Graduate Spotlight: Megan Garcia

May 4, 2020

Alexa Saavedra, Strategic Communications Coordinator

Meet Megan, an aspiring elementary teacher who will be receiving an Associate of Arts in Teaching. Megan came to St. Philip’s open to many career avenues and eager to accomplish her degree, however, she did not expect to discover her calling while taking a math course during her first year at SPC. 

Megan was inspired to pursue her studies in education following the positive influence left by her professor. “Some classes where difficult. I felt 

like I couldn’t do it but that professor motivated me to keep on going. She opened my eyes to see the great impact teachers have on students and inspired me to want to do the same,” she said. 

As a Title IX Peer Mentor and Disability Support Services work-study, Megan found excitement in building her network with students on campus. She also enjoyed being a part of Phi Theta Kappa, an international honor society that recognizes students for their academic achievements.

Megan graduated high school from the San Antonio Jubilee Academies Public Schools where she now serves as the business office assistant. She hopes to have the opportunity to teach students and be a positive influence on their lives. “Teaching is beyond the curriculum; it’s about motivating students and creating a safe environment for them. If I can change the life of one student, that would be my greatest achievement,” she said.

Megan will be transferring to the College of Education and Human Development at Texas A&M University -- San Antonio this Fall.

To learn more about the Spring 2020 Graduates Recognition, click here.

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