The Journey Begins at SPC

September 7, 2018

Public Information Officer


St. Philip's College alumnus Enrique Salinas inspired current students with a keynote address during the Fall 2018 New Student Convocation program Fall 2018 New Student Convocation program in the college's Watson Fine Arts Center at 1801 Martin Luther King Drive.

The event introduced students to college leadership, highlighted a bevy of college programs and services, motivated students to continue the transition to college life, and oriented students to the campus of the 120-year-old college. Incoming students found out that Salinas is more than a 2018 Texas State University graduate and the first alumnus to serve as a keynote for the program. Salinas is also a new employee in Student Success at the college who begins graduate studies at TSU this fall. He shared his college journey.

Once commonality St. Philip’s College shares with the largest colleges in the nation’s seventh largest city is the majority of students enrolling are experiencing one or two important firsts---first-time-in-college, first-family-member-in-college---or both. An intent of the convocation is to ensure students know their college is there for them at every step on their journey, and Salinas was a member of the team explaining the pathway. 

Highlights of the convocation included a round of Family Feud hosted by the college's Financial Literacy Services team. Students learned who to consult to make sure they manage their money and pay for their college educations debt-free. They also learned how they can now receive new free online financial coaching from a certified financial coach.Financial excitement reached a high point during the awarding of $500 scholarships to three incoming students, and the revelation that St. Philip's College is the leading provider of scholarship funding among the Alamo Colleges District member institutions.

Yvonne Benton is an advisor at the college who was a member of the team for the event.

““Mr. Salinas’ presentation was well received, and the audience was lively during our scholarship awards,” said Benton. “I think the students were excited to have the opportunity to win free money for college. Who doesn’t want free money?” Benton said with a smile.

Benton said students should keep an eye out for their next day of celebratory assistance and support during the college’s Tiger Advising Day event Oct. 3 from 9 a.m.-6 p.m. in the Turbon Student Center at 1801 Martin Luther King Drive. To join the conversation on successful student orientation through the New Student Convocation project at St. Philip's College, contact the college’s advising team at 210-486-2008, or prepare for a visit with the team at its 1801 Martin Luther King Drive and 800 Quintana Road locations after viewing the SPC Academic Advising web page. (SPC images by Julysa Sosa)