Join us for the 13th Annual Women in Non-Traditional Occupations (WINTO) Conference at St. Philip’s College – Southwest Campus on Friday, March 24, 2023, from 9:30 AM – 2:00 PM. The conference will cater to high school females seeking education and job exploration in career technical education fields.

We are excited to announce that our WINTO Conference Keynote Speaker will be April Wilkerson, DIY YouTuber. Conference will also include CTE Program Demos, Presentations, and Photoshoot for students.

The Importance of Rosie the Riveter

Rosie the Riveter was the star of a campaign aimed at recruiting female workers for defense industries during World War II, and she became perhaps the most iconic image of working women. In movies, newspapers, propaganda posters, photographs and articles, the Rosie the Riveter campaign stressed the patriotic need for women to enter the workforce. Between 1940 and 1945, the female percentage of the U.S. workforce increased from 27 percent to nearly 37 percent, and by 1945 nearly one out of every four married women worked outside the home.

The call for women to join the workforce during World War II was meant to be temporary and women were expected to leave their jobs after the war ended and men came home. The women who did stay in the workforce continued to be paid less than their male peers and were usually demoted. But after their selfless efforts during World War II, men could no longer claim superiority over women. Women had enjoyed and even thrived on a taste of financial and personal freedom—and many wanted more. The impact of World War II on women changed the workplace forever, and women’s roles continued to expand in the postwar era. [http://www.history.com/topics/world-war-ii/rosie-the-riveter]

April Wilkerson, DIY YouTuber - Bio

Speaker-350x425.jpgThe keynote speaker today is a strong advocate for women in non-traditional occupations. April Wilkerson is a born and bred Texas girl who grew up on the south Texas coast, but now resides in the Texas hill Country with a little herd of rescue animals and chickens.

April is a Maker, a DIYer, a Woodworker and Metalworker. But regardless of the label, April makes things she needs and wants… instead of buying it or hiring it out. April’s goal is to be able to look around her home and have a hard time finding something she did not make with her own two hands.

April started a blog in February of 2013 and never used a power tool before. She did not grow up working on things nor did she take a shop class in school. April decided to try at making things she could not afford. It was then when she dove head first into building things with her hands. Years later, April prefers to build the things she wants and needs.

Shortly after April started making things, she started putting together written tutorials on her website so that she could pass along information to anybody else that was interested. One thing led to another and a year later, she started making video tutorials as well! April put together free tutorials on anything and everything she did.

April also loves the business side of her company, and is passionate about growing it. She now has several employees and plans to grow. April just purchased a new commercial building that will house the manufacturing, distribution and woodworking/metalworking courses side of her business.

April hopes you too are able to find a project that inspires you to pick up a tool… one you didn’t think you could use, and build something you didn’t think you could build. You absolutely can!

  • 9:30 AM – Welcome
    9:50 AM – Keynote Speaker
    10:30 AM – Q/A w/April Wilkerson
    10:55 AM – Announcements
    11:00 AM – Break-Out Sessions
    12:00 PM – Lunch/Career Fair/Photoshoot w/April Wilkerson

    Download a Detailed Agenda

Contact Information

Academic Program Specialist:
Rebecca Cortez
SWC Industrial Technology Center (ITC), Building 1, C-207

Program Director:
Manuel Navarro
SWC Industrial Technology Center (ITC), Building 1, C-206